How much Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) to take?
buy rick Simpson oil then Start with a drop the size of a pin head and gradually add more as you build up your tolerance to 1 gram per day.
When should I take
Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)?
How Will I Feel?
Once you’ve built up a tolerance it’s easier to split it up into a tenth of a gram, taken five times during the day, with a half gram taken before you go to bed so you won’t feel the high while you sleep. As you take it consistently, you’ll discover what dosing works best for you.
Sample Dosage and How to Consume RSO:
Week 1:
Start with ¼ of a drop, or about half of a grain of rice, every 8 hours – morning, afternoon and one hour before bed. Generally, the psychoactive effects of RSO take about one hour to take effect. Do not try to drive or operate machinery after dosage. Set aside the first 4 days to see how the RSO effects your body.
Week 2-5:
After consuming this amount for four days, most people are able to double their dose, continuing to take every 8 hours. You can continue doubling your dose every 4 days.
Week 5-12:
It generally takes people 3 to 5 weeks to build up to the point of being able to consume 1 ml of oil per day. This would equal about 9 drops every 8 hours, or doses about the size 18 grains of rice. During weeks 5-12, consume 1ml per day until the 60ml amount is consumed.
Important Notes:
Generally, after a while of taking the RSO, many people do not experience any sort of “high”. However, everybody is different and the effects of RSO will differ greatly depending on body and constitution.
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